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How to maintain Good Menstrual Hygiene?

Periods hits women every month. Many women face itching and irritation in the vaginal part before, during, and after the Menstruation cycle. It is an alert that you need to maintain good Menstrual Hygiene. Earlier women used rags, dry leaves, sandbags, and ashes during the Menstrual cycle. Later, women were suffering from diseases like vaginal infection, vaginal irritation, and many such disorders. 

It gave a need to invent hygienic pads for periods, which is now known as Sanitary pads or Sanitary Napkins. Many women have understood the importance of using sanitary napkins, but other women still use dirty clothes, dry leaves, and sandbags during the menstruation cycle. This article will guide you with a few tips for maintaining good Menstruation Hygiene.

Clean your vaginal part:

It is a vital tip that every woman should follow. It is essential to clean your vaginal part throughout the year. Before periods hit you, trim your pubic hairs so that it avoids the remains of the flow and save you from bacterial infection. 

Whenever you pee, clean your vaginal part with normal water. It will clean the flow from your vagina and will make you feel fresh. This tip will also prevent your discharge from remaining in your vagina for a long time, saving you from vaginal infection and irritation. Maintaining a clean vaginal part during periods is the best way to practice good Menstrual hygiene. 

Use clean and comfortable panties:

Wearing comfortable panties is as important as changing your sanitary napkins during periods. Panties made of fabric or tight tongs prevent your skin from breathing, resulting in infection and irritation during periods. Cotton underwear and clean panties will make you feel comfortable during those days. 

Use Sanitary Napkins, Menstrual cups, or tampons:

There are many brands of sanitary pads, menstrual cups, and tampons available in the market. Due to a lack of awareness of these products and the benefits of using these products, women are still stuck using sandbags, leaves, and dirty clothes during periods. It’s rolling on from generation to generation. 

There is an immediate need to create an awareness about these products and urging women to start using these products. Nowadays, there are reusable cotton pads available in the market, a step toward the Green Menstruation cycle. Women who cannot afford to buy a pack of sanitary napkins every month can opt for reusable clothes or menstrual cups that are economy friendly and can be used for many years.   

Change your sanitary napkin every 3 to 4 hours:

Changing your pads every 3 to 4 hours is essential to avoid internal and vaginal infections. Ideally, it is necessary to change your pads during the first two days of periods as women experience heavy flow during those two days. During medium or low flow, women should avoid using sanitary pads for more than eight hours. 

Women should also avoid using two sanitary pads simultaneously. It will increase the risk of rashes and irritation, thus not allowing your skin to breathe during periods. 

Wash your reusable pads properly:

If you choose to use reusable pads for the menstruation cycle, you must ensure that you wash them properly after every use and make reusable pads fresh and clean for the second use. Reusable pads are best to use during low or medium flow during the menstruation cycle. Make sure that you are not using the reusable pads beyond the said numbers in the packet.  

Shower daily:

The menstruation cycle comes with lots of problems such as mood swings, bloating, and feeling uncomfortable. Women should start their day with a shower to make themselves feel fresh and clean during periods. Showering will remove all the dirt and toxins from your body, and it will help you maintain good menstrual hygiene during periods.

Concluding the topic, women should maintain good menstruation hygiene during periods. This article’s mentioned tips will save you from various vaginal diseases that most women face during or after periods. Suppose you experience any other kind of menstrual problem during or after the periods. In that case, it is highly advised to seek a gyno and start proper treatment to avoid any future complications related to the menstrual cycle. 

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